Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry X-mas

48 degrees outside and a few sprinkles in the air. Oh new england skiers, we're always waiting for the other shoe to drop on the epic winter, and it seems to have fallen. But the good news is that some of the longer range forecasts are showing a turn around for January. Building a ridge out west and a big old trough for the e.c. I'll hope that they're right.
K-mart was legendary yesterday. It's awesome for me that they've jacked up season pass prices and raised the day ticket prices, leaving rif-raf like that Pierre character and Erik away for the season. Skier numbers are way down, leaving much improved ski conditions. Even on a saturday there was still a lot of powder to be found...even on some of the open trails like Downdraft. Also it was 100% open, a lot of it on natural snow, like devil's fiddle and lower ovation which almost never open unless they blow snow on it. It may not have been the white room but it was a hell of a lot better than the boiler plate i've gotten used on weekends.
Anyway, it sounds like ya'll's are going to have a merry x-mas. TK, here's the deal,those pictures you've posted. Send me a round trip ticket to Denver for 1 and the board members from your school won't receive oversized shots of you chugging from a box of wine and I'm guessing spanking it, when you were done. Also you need to get Seth off his academic, erudite ass and get both him and Hilz back on the Balls Deep blog. Have a good christmas ladies and gents.


Blogger Erik B said...

Happy Holidays everyone!!

Dave, Nice pictures!

11:13 AM  

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